Arctic Energy Summit 2021 cancelled

Dec 16, 2019

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Arctic Energy Summit, slated to take place next year in Iceland, March 8-9. 

The 2021 Arctic Energy Summit is a multidisciplinary event expected to draw hundreds of industry officials, policy makers, energy professionals, researchers, and community leaders from around the world. This intersection of business, community, and government provides meaningful exchanges that inform future decisions. The presentations and the written proceedings are distributed to a network of thousands of stakeholders. 

There are a number of ways that you can contribute to, and be visible at this significant event, including: 

  • Sponsor the Arctic Energy Summit to receive the highest level of visibility and recognition (See attached Sponsorship Opportunities) 
  • Respond to the Call for Presentations with a suggested topic and speaker to include in the agenda 
  • Consider participating in the Exhibition, a space for research, technology, and business to share with attendees 
  • Suggest site visits for visitors, who may be interested in day tours around Iceland 

The issues addressed at the Arctic Energy Summit directly impact the success of the region and your organization – your participation and support demonstrate clear leadership addressing challenges and opportunities in the Arctic. See Sponsor levels and recognition for more information on the sponsorship levels and Arctic Energy Summit Agenda 2021 draft for themes for program. 

Sponsors of the 2017 Summit included Finland Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment; Government of Germany’s Energiewiende; Institute of the North; Government of Iceland; Fortum; Ukpeagvik Iñupiat Corporation; Embassy of the Unites States in Finland; and City of Helsinki.