
The Institute of the North endeavors to understand the reality, richness and responsibility of the Arctic. We support Alaska’s role as a key stakeholder in policy affecting the Arctic. We stand at a pivotal place where local and state interests are advanced within a national and global landscape.

Alaskans understand the inherent challenges of living in the Arctic, but have found wealth in the quality of life and economic opportunity there. For Alaskans to thrive in the Arctic, there must be a foundation in place to sustain communities and drive development. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Institute of the North has gained a wide reputation as the Alaska Center for Arctic Policy.

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A diverse group representing scientific, business, indigenous, political and social interests, united in our shared desire to see sustainable development in the Arctic. With seasoned industry veterans and emerging leaders alike, the Institute of the North purposely combines diverse voices in our efforts to advance the state’s interests.

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The Institute of the North has managed multiple Arctic Council projects, supported the development and implementation of Alaska’s Arctic policy, and hosted critical conversations that further refine a national and international approach to the Arctic region. As a convener, we bring multiple stakeholders in common cause in supporting our people, sustaining our communities and strengthening our institutions.

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We work in collaboration and partnership with numerous national and international organizations, agencies, universities and institutes. Nonprofits, academic organizations, businesses and companies also partner with us. Partnership is a key ingredient to strengthening Alaska’s voice in the Arctic, highlighting local and regional perspectives, and solving common challenges.

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