Our Partners
The Institute of the North’s mission is to “inform public policy and cultivate an engaged citizenry, consistent with its focus on the North and commitment to the prudent development of Alaska’s resources for prosperity and public benefit.” We are Alaska’s Center for Arctic Policy, with a goal toward improving the economic and living conditions of Alaskans. Our legacy work has addressed Arctic infrastructure development – including energy, aviation, telecommunications, and marine shipping. Much of that work relies on the cross-border relationships we have cultivated in our 20-year history.
The Institute’s board has identified three strategic priorities to be address by the organization in the years to come:
- Economic Development – to include infrastructure, business and resource development
- Effective Governance – to include state, local and tribal government cooperation, service delivery, and partnership at national and international levels
- Risk Preparedness – to include oil spill planning, search and rescue, and risk communication
While much of our work is project-based, with corresponding contracts, grants or fees from governments, organizations, communities and companies, a great portion of it is dedicated to intangible relationship building and advocacy. The Institute of the North is a gateway to Alaska’s Arctic for interested stakeholders outside the region, but also a conduit for Alaskans to other Arctic states. We provide a valuable service in sharing best practices, perspectives and priorities between multiple sectors and regions.
In order to better accomplish this we have developed a partnership model that provides a pathway for potential partners to invest in the Institute of the North in more meaningful ways than project sponsorship. We have a growing list of Strategic Partners who provide core funding for our operations. Strategic partners contribute between $10,000 and $25,000 annually, with visible levels of recognition that correspond.
All strategic partners:
- Are consulted in our strategic planning – organizational and with regards to Alaska’s Arctic
- Are invited to participate in organizing committees of projects
- Receive special invitations to speak at events
- Are included in our Pillars of Partnership – print and online publication recognizing support
Become a Strategic Partner
2016 Pillars of Partnership
Updated Annually
Government Partners
Government of Norway
Government of Iceland
Government of Canada
National Park Service
State of Alaska
Foundation Partners
Atwood Foundation
Strategic Partners
AIDEA – Host Committee
Alaska Airlines – Host Committee
ExxonMobil – Host Committee
GCI – Host Committee
Keithley Consulting
Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation – Host Committee
Project Partners
Alaska Communications
Alaska Housing Finance Corporation
Aleut Corporation
Anchorage Museum
Bering Straits Native Corporation
Edison Chouest
North Star Group
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
PDC Engineers
Van Ness Feldman
Additional Partners
Bob Herron
Coffman Engineers
Olgoonik Corporation
Paul Fuhs
Ryan Air
Vitus Marine