Arctic Resilient Communities Youth Fellowship

Congratulations to ARCYF’s first-year cohort! After an inspiring final workshop in Yellowknife, NWT this January, our amazing staff and fellows united online for a memorable sendoff and virtual graduation.

The Arctic Resilient Communities Youth Fellowship (ARCYF) is a nine-month fellowship funded by the Canadian Government to empower Arctic & Northern youth from three Arctic countries, including Greenland, the United States (Alaska), and Canada, to serve a direct role in sustainable development and benefit from the prosperity of resilient Arctic communities. Visit to learn more about the project and fellows.


ANILCA Training

For over twenty years, the Institute of the North has administered comprehensive and balanced training on the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.


Join Our Coalition

Help Protect the Permanent Fund

Unsustainable spending from the Permanent Fund’s Earnings Reserve threatens to undermine Alaska’s prosperity and the interests of all future generations. It is time to protect the Fund for the long-term, through a constitutional amendment, put before voters in 2022.

Our Mission

The Institute’s mission is to research, educate, and advocate management of commonly owned land and resources for the maximum benefit of current and future generations.