
Arctic Resilient Communities Youth Fellowship

Arctic Resilient Communities Youth Fellowship (ARC-YF) is officially launched and is seeking applicants! Young community leaders between the ages of 18-23 are invited to apply. The 2022-2023 cohort will focus on having a direct role in building resilient Arctic...

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Future of the Permanent Fund Webinar Series

Alaska's fiscal challenge threatens the resilienc e of the Permanent Fund. Please join the Institute of the North for a week-long online series exploring the Fund's origins, evolution, and best policies for the future. You can join the free seminar series...

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Arctic Energy Summit 2021

We are pleased to announce the 2021 Arctic Energy Summit, slated to take place next year in Iceland, March 8-9.  The 2021 Arctic Energy Summit is a multidisciplinary event expected to draw hundreds of industry officials, policy makers, energy professionals,...

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2018 Arctic Frontiers Mayors Forum

Mayor Kristin Roymo of Tromso Kommune hosted 13 northern municipal leaders at the 2018 Arctic Frontiers, held in the Arctic capital of Norway.  Participating leaders came from Anchorage, Lulea, Tromso, Vardo, Nome, Arkhangelsk, Tornea, Oulu, Kirkenes, Rovaniemi,...

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Arctic Energy Summit 2017 follow up

The Institute of the North is honored to have organized, in cooperation with Finland's TEM and many partners, the 2017 Arctic Energy Summit in Helsinki, Finland, from September 18 -20. Attended by 300 people from more than 15 nations, the 4th Arctic Energy Summit...

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Arctic Mayors Sign Declaration

Just hours after the Arctic Council hosted its Fairbanks Ministerial, eleven circumpolar mayors came held a historic gathering to discuss a locally-driven future for Arctic governance. The Arctic Mayors Roundtable served three purposes: to introduce and strengthen the...

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“Alaska’s Arctic: An Overview” published

The Institute of the North is excited to announce its recent publication, “Alaska’s Arctic: An Overview” - a first-of-its-kind publication that is intended to help educate Alaskans, Americans, and international visitors to Alaska alike about Alaska and the U.S. Arctic...

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Alaska and Maine: Partners in the Future of the Arctic

Maine’s location and resources ensure its status as a near Arctic state. Its largest city, Portland, is working to establish itself as a gateway to the high latitudes of the North Atlantic, an area that stretches from Maine to Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada,...

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